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The Origins of the Trials

Below are the documents found at Grundar by Athyina, Keeper of the Lore. Though other tribes may have held their trials differently these are what the new Trials of Sterne are based off of. The trials were originally started in Grundar as a new way of honoring the past, and bringing new life to the tribes. The new Trials keep this same energy, but try to incorporate the current atmosphere within the Changeling culture. Originally, these trials were intended to help place changelings into their rightful and most useful place within the tribe. This is why tribe variation was very common, as one tribe may have different roles based on their location and society. It was never intended for the trials to truly "rank" tribe members, but in some places that did happen. That is part of what led to the Changeling's downfall.


The first day, known was Day of Dawn, began with sharpening of weapons, and doming oneself in ceremonial attire. This day would hold two Trials, and end with a feast. Each feast ended with the Sutar with the most points being recognized, and such they got to gather their plates first. The Feast ended with cerebration and then ended as the first night had.


The second day, known as Day of Midsun, went exactly the same as the day before.


The third and last day, known as Day of Sunset, started off the same as the previous two days, but ended differently with the Final Feast. This Feast began immediately after the last trial while the council decided on ranks based on observance, points, and individual input. Unlike previous feasts those with lowest points were called first given their new earned Rank and Sterne Beads. The victor was named last and was allowed to ask the Chieftain for one wish of their choosing. This feast ended at sun break the next morning.


(More Detailed Information Below, Scrolls were found by Athyina in the Tomb of Grundar)


Grundar 26

Day of Dawn


Trial 1 (Game of Captains)

Sutars are split into two evenly matched groups. Multiple team-based fights happen enabling every member on each team to be team captain at least once. The team captain must come up with a strategy that will not only hold their team steady, but also will make sure that their team has the last man standing. As long as all rules are kept there is no limit to how this can be done. Whether its a full on blitz, to legit hiding a member to come out on top at last minute. At the end of every game whatever team is victorious gives that team captain one Sterne Point. 

If there are a large group of competitors at any given event more than one Game of Captains may be held at the same time to speed up the process.


​​​Trial 2 (Game of Truth)

Each Sutar is taken in by the tribe healers and sky-watchers and given a scenario. The scenario is normally based on survival knowledge, but may change to the specific personality of the sutar if necessary. Depending on each Sutar's weak point the healers and sky-watchers will choose scenarios accordingly. For example, an Outcast may be given a what-if scenario where a tribe member is put into a life-or death situation. The Outcast must choose whether to let the tribe member die without help, or to risk being caught by more tribe members as breaking Outcast law by saving the tribe member. The trick is that no matter the scenario the right answer is not the most moral answer, but the honest answer to the changeling in question. What they are searching for is the truth. The healers and sky-watchers are not allowed to share any answers except to the council. What happens during the Game of Truth stays within the game of Truth. As long as the changeling can overcome the fear of being judged for doing the right or wrong thing and state the truth about themselves they are given a point.


Day of Midsun


​​​Trial 3 (Riddle Me This)

Each sutar is given a riddle at the prior night’s feast that makes sense to the layout of where the Trials are being held. It must be deciphered because it is


Keeper Aesir

naming a place outside the tribe's walls. Though sometimes the riddle will lead sutars to a specific building or relic within the tribe’s walls itself. Most of the time the riddle will lead one to the outskirts of the event grounds. After the sun rises the tribe's alarm bell will go off without warning. Sutars are expected to be in battle garb already, but if not they must do that and rush to the place named through the first riddle. All Sutars are expected to reach the named place, but must also fight any other sutar they find along the way. They may defeat the sutar and then ally with them afterwards. Any defeated sutar is given a 20 second “dead period” before being able to continue to their destination. The checkpoint is marked by a changeling dressed in a pure white garb with another riddle. This riddle will lead to a second checkpoint. At the second checkpoint the sutars are given a piece of paper by changeling dressed in a purple robe. This piece of paper has a name of another sutar on it. They are then expected to return to the tribe center to wait for the second trial to begin. The first 1/4 of the Sutars to return are given 3 points, with the final ¼ given no points going down 3, 2, 1, 0 points.


​​​Trial 4 (Bracket Wars)

After the last Sutar has returned they are given a short break before being called to the village center. Each Sutar is teamed up with the name they were given from the previous trial. This is their team-mate for the trial. The teams of two must go against other teams of two through a bracket system. More than one battle can take place at the same time up until the final two teams go against each other. The Sterne Points are always based on how many bracket battles gone through. Every victory gives each team member one point. 


Day of Sunset


​Trial 5 (Capture the Flag)

​​All Sutars are split into six even teams. They are sent out into the nearby woods with a flag. It is each team's job to protect, hide, and capture the other teams’ flags. They are given until the lunch feast to gain as many flags as possible. If their flag is taken they MUST recapture their own flag first. The members of the team with the most flags are given 8 points each. All other teams gain 2 points for every flag they have including their own. Any team without their flag automatically gains no points.


​​​Trial 6 (All or Nothing)

The final trial is a one on one combat where each Sutar is only allowed to use one blue sword to compete. This trial is also put on a bracket system, but each Sutar is placed against people of similarly current Sterne points. Whoever is left standing gains 5 Sterne points. No other Sutar can gain points in this game. Like other games, more than one combat can happen at the same time minus the final two competitors.


​​Final Closing Feast

At the end of the trials all tribe members, especially Sutars, are expected to dress back in their fancy ceremonial garb. A huge feast is set up that goes from the end of the last trial until the day break of the next day. The first part of the celebration begins with the food itself, but during the meal all Sutars are asked to stand. They are called up from lowest score to highest score, and given their new title rank that has been decided upon by the Eldest Sky-watcher, Healer, and the Chieftain themselves. Every Sutar is given sterne beads, 1 to 12 beads, and a specific sterne bead for their participation. The participation bead normally has the year and tribe symbol on it. The number of beads given signifies their new Ranking. When the last name is called they are given a golden bead that is to be worn as and add on to whatever beads they gained with their new earned rank. This signifies them as that year's victor of the Trials of Sterne. They are also given the 1 to 12 beads of their rank on top of that. The Victor is then taken to the Chieftain's quarters and allowed to demand one wish. This cannot be to become the chieftain, they can also not request the death of any tribe member. Outside tribe members is acceptable. (LARP purpose only obviously). The feast goes with music, and welcomes all Sutars whether their rank went down or up as true full members of the tribe.

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