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Culture of Changelings

This will tell you all about the beliefs, instinctual characteristics, tribal roles,and rankings of the changelings. Below are some quick snips of the changeling way of life, but for more in depth descriptions make sure to look at the tabs.


Religion and Faith

Changelings were created by the Cennads. Cennad is a gender neutral term that can mean mother, father, or both. Cennad Sterne is the "father" in the skies who creates the stars and moves them at will. Cennad Erde is the "mother" created during a galactic catastrophe that created the earth planet. Together they created the original creatures of earth, and most importantly the changelings themselves.

Primal Instincts

Though changelings have become an advanced civilization species they did not start off like that. They started off as pure instinctual monsters. Their first and foremost need was to change and assimilate into other species, as this enabled them to be one with every creature the Cennads had created. They are naturally competitive and seek adventure at every turn. Mostly they are known for the curiosity and their need to know everything there is about the world around them.


Changelings have a very loose ranking system. Though the ranks do put each changeling into a set role, there is not technically a superior or inferior rank from one another. That is left to the roles within tribe society. The 12 ranks are based off of the Zodiac chart. Aquarius is the top rank, and Capricorn is the lowest. There are three specific ways ranks are categorized; birth, earned, and current. In the primal days before any changeling history was written down, rankings were much more strict, and taken as a 'blood status' but that is not followed today.

Tribal Roles

There are multiple roles within a tribe, and some of them vary based on the haven society a tribe has allied with. But there are a few common roles within each tribe. These are Healers, Sky-Watchers, Historians, and Guardians. Each of these four tend to be led by someone of a high ranking, but they are a set of mini-groups within a tribe. The last role is chieftain. As of current time period these roles are for historical purpose only, but can be great as a noncom or roleplay add in for bel.

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