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Currently Known Tribes

​Currently a WIP



  • Grundar

Was known for being the largest tribe of its time, and allied with 5 other races when it first established. As time went on other races did ally itself with the the tribe, but those are unknown to current knowledge. After the Massacre during the Trials of Sterne 300 years ago this tribe fell to ruins. It is documented that this tribe originally ruled just east of the great river within the center of the continent and near the closest center of the continent it possibly could be from there. The ruins of this great tribe can be seen within the forests, but it is practically a folk-tale legend in present day. Athyina is the changeling who is piecing back together this tribe’s history.

  • Verlangen

A group of Outcasts who desired revenge against their changeling brethren seeked out to destroy the tribes from within. They allied with other outcasts first as a survival group, but eventually turned sour when a select group of Outcasts plotted the Massacre at Grundar 300 years ago. Their lack of teamwork and compassion after completing this goal  caused this “tribe” to fall apart shortly afterwards. They had nothing to unify together with, and the target on changelings made these outcasts to worry about only themself, not the tribe as a whole.

  • Pryde

A split group from Verlangen who took pride in the natural form and ability of the changeling race. They were against the massacre and decided to split from the Outcast group due to it. This tribe is the only surviving tribe who specialize in trying to collect the pieces of their broken history. Faer is the head of this tribe’s inner workings.

  • Nakita

Not much is known about this tribe minus its garb. Nakita is head of this tribe’s history.

  • Blaue Wasser (Now Tribe of Black Water)

Oceanic based, this tribe thrived on the west coasts of the continent. All that is known about this tribe is the remnants of their garb and tales from societies around them who tell folk stories of a playful tribe of changelings who allied themselves with the merfolk. After the massacre they disappeared into the mists of time.

  • Umbralis

  • Rosang

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